Tuesday 12 November 2019

The UCP, Social Engineering, and Education in Alberta

Oh, right! This was also a meme topic for the CPC. Those cue cards are really getting passed around! 
The UCP has cut funding to all but Christian and private universities. The K-12 budget has been cut. Increased enrollment without increased funding is a cut.  
The UCP is talking about making post-secondary funding contingent on certain outcomes, especially employment and income rates of graduates. The UCP wants to eliminate everything except trades and hard sciences useful to natural resource extraction.  
The UCP does not want Albertans of the future to have critical thinking skills, media literacy, historians, philosophers, artists, intellectuals, sociologists... 
This is social engineering. Not what the NDP implemented which supported treating everyone with respect. Being decent to each other. No, this is what social engineering looks like. Take away the thinkers, take away the dissidents, take away those who disagree...  
Not unlike deleting comments from those who disagreed or had questions about what Kenney announced on Sunday at the Manning Centre.... 
But on a bigger scale. A pre-emptive scale. Like retroactive legislation. Stop the problem before it happens, even if you have to go back in time to do it. 
There is a plan, folks. It doesn't end well for society. The UCP, CPC, and other right-wing governments is Canada want to dismantle our culture. I know it sounds conspiracy-theory-ish, fair enough. But keep your eyes open. They are trying to change us. Change our culture. 

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