Saturday, 17 October 2020

The Misinformation Campaign: WE edition

 This person and the organization she represents, are knowingly trying to misinform Canadians. Student jobs disappeared because of COVID. This was a way for the government to get money to students who need it for books and tuition.

The program was not intended as a wage-for-service program, so it was not paying students less than minimum wage. It was meant to acknowledge students for doing volunteer work by helping them access money they need to go to school in the fall. 
With the current conservatives in opposition, the government is in a "damned if they do, damned if they don't" situation. I don't recall ever a Canadian political party so opposed to public money being used to help the public as these hard-right CPC/UCP/PC people. 
"CERB will make Canadians too lazy to work", "We need to open the schools and get the economy moving", or Jason Kenney's pronouncement about how it's ok if old people die because they have already lived to the average age of death... 
The conservative attitude shows a marked lack of respect for Canadians, for human life, for the health of the population, and for the public good. Public monies should be spent on the public good, including students. We need a well-educated society to move forward. 
Public money should be used for the public good. Not the corporate good. Taxes are collected to ensure the public has access to a decent quality of life. Taxing people to give the money to the already wealthy is feudalism. I don't believe that is the system we want here. 
Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. The taxpayer's federation & all the other conservative think-tanks, don't want Canadians to understand that government debt is not like household debt. Or that most economists think the Canadian gov't has acted appropriately. 
Under normal circumstances people don't need a government program to volunteer, but 2020 is not "normal circumstances". Like most conservative mouthpieces, the taxpayer's federation is pretending everything is fine, and our only concern is the economy. 

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